Category: yep

Refugee in Brussels

I signed for the YeP project to get to know more about immigrants and immigration. I wanted to see immigrants with my own eyes and interview them. I’ve met many immigrants in the center where my mother works but I’ve noticed they all have different stories to tell. My story is about the first time I actually dared to start… Read more →


I got in contact with refugees in Croatia, their reality and circumstances in which they live has shocked me deeply. I participated in the project as I wanted to face reality and not just from behind the screen, be in direct contact with these people and what they are going through and to see what the government is doing for… Read more →

Vluchtelingen in Slavonski Brod, Kroatië

Mijn naam is Anita, ik kom uit Bulgarije. Ik heb 5 jaar Arabisch gestudeerd in de universiteit van Sofia. Nadat afstudeerde ben ik naar Kroatië gegaan waar ik momenteel bij mijn man woon. Enkele maanden nadat ik in Kroatië aankwam begon de vluchtelingencrisis in Europa. Er was een jobaanbieding bij UNICEF. Ik ben begonnen met werken als tolk voor UNICEF… Read more →

Youth e-Perspectives on Migration peer-to-peer events – a great success!

Remember our project Youth e–Perspectives on Migration (YeP) and our training for young people called Find-Tell-Act (using digital media to tackle issues as the refugee crisis and migration)? After the training in Croatia, where they learned a lot about the empowering side of digital media and the refugee crisis, Autumn 2016 was the time for our young participants to act!… Read more →

Ontmoeting met “Stop Mare Mortum”

De YeP-deelnemers uit Barcelona hebben tijdens de maand oktober de vergaderingen van het burgerplatform  ‘Stop Mare Mortum’ dat vecht tegen mensenrechtenschendingen bijgewoond. Dit om te begrijpen hoe ze in Barcelona werken en hun ervaring in het YeP-project te delen. Stop Mare Mortum is opgericht na de dood van ongeveer 900 mensen aan de Italiaanse kust op 19 april 2015. Een… Read more →

Youth e-Perspectives on Migration training in Zagreb

Youth e-Perspectives on Migration is one of our favorite projects. Why? Because it is about young people, digital skills and media literacy, about refugees and migration, mutual understanding, history and future. All at the same time. But let’s start from the beginning. The idea was to create a methodology for a short training course on digital photography, storytelling and journalism… Read more →

Not your usual Hotel

Today we visited the Hotel Porin, a  center for asylum seekers, to see how people live there. When we arrived, a social worker guided us around the building and showed us the different rooms, the hospital, the classes, the playing areas, the computer rooms… After we finished with our tour, we talked to some different people living there to get… Read more →