This video is about a women who was refugee in Belgium… Read more →

This video is about a women who was refugee in Belgium… Read more →
Priti – Papa from maks vzw on Vimeo. El meu nom és Priti, sóc informàtica i d’origen indi i mauriciano. Vaig participar en el projecte Yep perquè volia conèixer als refugiats, estar més a prop seu, veure com són realment … perquè escoltem molt sobre ells, però no estem molt a prop seu. Participar en el projecte Yep4Europe m’ha donat… Read more →
This is my story, well, it’s the story of a boy. A boy who actually just wants to be home… But what is home? Read more →
Cada dia, descobrim una nova història i cada història és un viatge. Aquesta és la història del meu antic hoste. Ell sempre va voler anar a l’estranger i un dia va conèixer a un agent de viatges que podia ajudar-lo. No tenia prou diners, així que va haver de vendre la seva terra i donar tots aquests diners a l’agent.… Read more →
I’d never had thought that as a result of my experience in Croatia, one thing I would do is a video about my grandmother, Luisa. What a brave woman. I had the luck to make this storytelling in which I speak about her journey from Marseille to Barcelona because of the World War II. I tried to bring her experience… Read more →
Here is my contribution: The video tells the story of a woman that studies to obtain the Spanish nationality. The result of the plot may give you a surprise! Hope you enjoy it! Read more →
Here is my storytelling which is about Friendship! Read more →
Hi everybody! In Croatia we started our storytellings: we were searching for images, we recorded our voices and now the video is here! I hope you enjoy my love story! Read more →
Youth e-Perspectives on Migration is one of our favorite projects. Why? Because it is about young people, digital skills and media literacy, about refugees and migration, mutual understanding, history and future. All at the same time. But let’s start from the beginning. The idea was to create a methodology for a short training course on digital photography, storytelling and journalism… Read more →